Baby Due Date Calculator

You are always anxious to wait until your baby is held. You want to know when your baby will be born. Huggies ® will provide you with the calculation of gestational age and prepare you for the big day!
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Congratulations! Your baby is arriving on


you are XX weeks and YY days pregnant

1st Trimester




2nd Trimester




3rd Trimester




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NOTE: Please remember this result is only an estimate. Your baby will arrive when he/she is ready. Consult your healthcare provider to determine your correct due date.

How To Use The Tool

First, you’ll need to know the first day of your last period, and how long your cycle is.

First day of your last period

The first day of your last period is important to know for pregnancy because it gives you a gauge of where your body is in the ovulation cycle. You ovulate roughly in the middle of your cycle, so knowing the first day of your last period means knowing your ovulation days.

Cycle length

If you are just starting your journey to conception, track your cycle for a few months to see how long each one is. Most women are an average of 28 days, but that’s just an average—yours could be different month to month. Many women have irregular cycles and irregular periods. There are apps that can help you track your cycle.

If you know how long your cycle is, you can go ahead and plug it into the calculator.

How the Huggies® Due Date Calculator works

In the most basic terms, your baby’s due date is about 38 weeks from the date of conception. While the conception date isn’t always known, the Huggies® Due Date Calculator estimates it based on your last missed period. Again, most women’s cycles last about 28 days, but this is only an estimate. It’s best to track your cycle length if possible. With a 28-day cycle, baby is conceived in the first 2 weeks of your 40 gestational weeks, and by week three, baby has been created.

Huggies ®Due Date Calculator will also tell you the estimated dates of your first, second and third trimesters—important milestones you’ll want to know (especially if you are prone to sickness during your first trimester!).

Can I plan my due date?

You might be a teacher who wants to give birth during the year-end school holidays, or you may prefer to avoid being pregnant during festive seasons. Just remember that conception is a tricky thing, and it’s not always easy to predict when you’ll be able to conceive, which impacts your ability to predict your due date. Despite many women’s best efforts, there’s no true way to pinpoint when you will give birth—baby comes when baby is ready. If you want help getting your focus as narrow as possible, use an ovulation calculator for a close estimate.

Can my due date change?

Yes, your due date can change. Even doctors sometimes need to adjust the timeline, due to irregular periods (and therefore an inexact conception date) or inaccurate ultrasound results. It’s generally not something to worry about.

Next steps

If you haven’t already done so, the first step is to book a prenatal appointment with your doctor. They can confirm your pregnancy and conception date—and the due date—through a blood test, physical exam and or ultrasound. Your doctor will be able to advise you best as the Huggies® Due Date Calculator is only an estimate.

And then comes the fun part: watching and feeling your baby grow. Every week, a new and exciting milestone is met and your baby gets bigger until before you know it, 40 weeks have flown by! Check out your pregnancy by week if you’re curious about what your little one is up to in there.

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