Understanding Your Pregnancy: Week 37
Hey! Mom to be, you are getting so close to the day when you will be finally holding your baby in your arms. You’ve got just three weeks now and you can hear the clock clicking to the final countdown. That is because your baby’s organs are fully developed and ready to function outside your womb this week.
Your physical changes this week

Your back aches, your pelvis is creaking and your bladder can't hold more than a few milliliters. Welcome to the last few weeks of gestation. Unfortunately, the final stretch of pregnancy is more about benefits for the baby than for the mother. Your baby is most certainly having a lovely time in there.
Your vaginal discharge will increase now and you may need to wear a liner for extra absorbency. This is completely normal and unless it is profuse, itchy, smells unusual or is bothering you, don't be concerned. There is a lot of pelvic engorgement and hormonal activity occurring now and this is a natural outcome.
Hints of the week

- Measure your tummy to see how much it grows in the last few weeks.
- Read up to know how to have an active labour and delivery.
- As you pack your bags for the hospital, don’t forget to include toiletries, clothing for yourself and the baby, nappies, medication and your health insurance details!

Have more questions on pregnancy? At Huggies, we’re here to guide you at every step of the way. Motherhood represents a completely new phase in your life and a community of new mothers who can journey with you will be helpful! Pregnancy tips, parenting tips, free diaper samples and exclusive diaper offers shared on the Huggies Club platform can ensure you are best prepared for your newborn child too.
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