Active Baby Active baby


Trades of a Active Baby

girl is playing

Everything you need to know about imaginative play.

Imaginative play, or what you might call pretend play, usually seems like just a fun way to spend time with your baby. But, in fact, it has a lot of benefits. It stimulates the senses, creates opportunities for exploration and creative thinking, and...

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angry baby

How to manage your baby’s anger.

As a parent, you might have noticed that your child’s mood can shift with the wind. At such early stages, it’s very easy for them to suddenly become a hurricane of emotions. It’s their nature to have little outbursts, but it...

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Two Kids in a pram

How to tackle sibling rivalry?

Scenario 1: Shivani rushes into the bedroom on hearing her younger one crying. She gives an angry stare to the older one. He says with a smirk,” I didn’t hit him! I was just playing with him.” Scenario 2: Neha...

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